Education Therapy consultants can help you with the common Traits followed in specific learning. According to the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (known as NICHCY), disabilities traits commonly affect skills in the areas of:

Reading (called dyslexia)

Writing (called dysgraphia)




Math (called dyscalculia)

Signs that a child might have a learning disability tend to appear in elementary school. For example, difficulty learning the alphabet, problems with following directions, trouble transforming thoughts into written words and misreading math problems are all possible indicators of a specific learning disability.
Educational Challenges

It’s clear from reading the above traits that students with learning disabilities can face a number of educational challenges include:
Difficulty reading out loud
Poor reading comprehension
Struggling to write papers and essays
Trouble understanding lectures
Difficulty holding a pencil

Tips for Teachers and Parents

Don’t let the term “learning disabilities” mislead you, teachers and parents. Rooted within this term is a common assumption that children with learning disabilities can’t learn. NICHCY proposes otherwise, stating, “Children with learning disabilities are not ‘dumb’ or ‘lazy.’ In fact, they usually have average or above average intelligence. Their brains just process information differently.”

Indeed, the more politically-correct phrase “learning differences” offers a more accurate snapshot that captures the essence of learning disabilities. Supplied with the appropriate special education services, students with learning disabilities can flourish academically. Take a student with dysgraphia for example. He or she may have A-worthy ideas for a paper inside his or her head, but without accommodations those ideas will probably not earn the grade they deserve. One potential accommodation for such a scenario entails using speech-to-text technology to write papers.

Overall, the best educational accommodations for students with specific learning disabilities stem from assessing a child’s particular case and identifying his or her strengths and weaknesses. This evaluation is worked into the individualized education program (IEP) process.

Parents, are you concerned that your youngster might possess a learning disability?

You can ask your school to evaluate your son or daughter to diagnosis any learning disabilities. If your child has a specific learning disability, ET will help create an individual evaluation plan (IEP). Then create and implement hourly sessions monitored and conducted by trained psychologists.





Email us at :

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Make an appointment


Your child is evaluated.


An Individual Evaluation Plan (IEP)  created


A plan based on best scientific research based strategies 



After  a minimum of at least 10 sessions the student will be assessed and

the IEP reevaluated until the desired results are accomplished.


New goals are set.





Covid 19 has changed the landscape of education. Online classes on Zoom, Microsoft Group and other platforms are the norm. As the education institutions weren't prepared for the shut down in March because of Corona, the teachers weren't trained and lessons were not planned. Education Therapy helps develop the understanding of how the students should be motivated and the lessons delivered in the best way possible.